金山山火瞭望台 Kam Shan Fire-Lookout

Kam Shan Fire-Lookout

Tai Po Road>Chueng Yuen Road>Kowloon Byewash Reservoir>Shek Lei Pui Reservoir>Kam Shan Fire-Lookout>Shek Lei




6 KM

2.5 hours

Vending Machine at Tai Po Road (Start Point / End Point)

Shops and Restaurants at Shek Lei Estate (End Point)

Start Point
Bus (KMB) No.78,81 (Link Click Here), alighting at Shek Lei Pui Reservoir
End Point
Bus & Minibus at Shek Lei area

Map (reference only)

Elevation (reference only)

Kam Shan is located in north of Kowloon, with a height of 369 meters, it has a fire look-out on the summit of Kam Shan. Kam Shan is a very popular place of outdoor activity, there are different hiking trails in the Kam Shan Country Park, such as Maclehose and Wilson Trail, but no official hiking trail is provided to the summit of Kam Shan, it makes the peak of Kam Shan look like a secret place for the neighbors nearby.

Get off at Shek Lei Pui Reservoir bus stop

Walk along Cheung Yuen Road

Kowloon Byewash Reservoir

Turn right at this fork

Choose the right way at this fork

Walk toward this staircase to Shek Lei Pui Reservoir after the stone bridge

Walk ahead at this fork

Shek Lei Pui Reservoir

It will be unpaved path after the pavilion
There are many forks along the trail to the summit of Kam Shan
The rationale is to keep walking uphill along the major path and walk the left side if any forks (except specified in the blog)

Turn right at this fork

Transmission Station

Turn right after the Transmission Station

Turn left at this fork

The summit of Kam Shan, with a height of
369 meters

Fire look-out on Kam Shan

It chose the downhill path nearby the the trigonometrical Stations to Shek Lei in this blog

Turn right at the watercatch

Walk toward Shek Pai Street to Shek Lei

At Shek Pai Street, turn left to Castle Peak Road, there are buses to Kowloon and Hong Kong Island
Or turn right to Shek Lei, it also has transportations to different locations

It walked to Castle Peak Road to end the trail in this blog


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