Lin Fa Shan, Shek Lung Kung, Ha Fa Shan
Route Twisk (Tsuen Kam Au)>Lin Fa Shan>Lin Fa Shan Public School>Shek Lung Kung>Ha Fa Shan>Hong Kong Adventist Hospital (Tsuen Wan)
9 KM
4 hours
Restaurants around
Start Point
Bus (KMB) No. 51 (Link Click Here), alighting at Tai Mo Shan Country Park
End Point
Bus (KMB) No. 39A (Link Click Here)
Map (reference only)
Elevation (reference only)
Lin Fa Shan is one of the sub-peaks of Tai Mo Shan, with a height of 578 meters, the abandoned ex-Lin Fa Shan Public School makes it popular for hiking. The path of Lin Fa Shan and Shek Lung Kung is very straight forward, Ha Fa Shan does not have official trail, but it is optional for the trail.
Get off at “Tai Mo Shan Country Park” bus stop
If you take the bus from Tsuen Wan, walk back to Maclehose Trail
Follow the waysign of Maclehose Trail (Stage Nine)
At this fork, turn left and follow the waysign to Lin Fa Shan
The path on the right side is the way to the trigonometrical Station of Lin Fa Shan
The trigonometrical Station of Lin Fa Shan, with a height of 578 meters
Back track to the concrete service road afterward
The abandoned ex-Lin Fa Shan Public School
Walk to this path to Shek Lung Kung
Turn left to Shek Lung Kung
Shek Lung Kung Pavilion
Path to the summit of Shek Lung Kung, nearby the Shek Lung Kung Pavilion
The view on the summit of Shek Lung Kung
The Trigonometrical Station of Shek Lung Kung, with a height of 474 meter
Back track to the Shek Lung Kung Pavillio and turn left to Ha Fa Shan
At this crossroard, the path behind the pavilion is the way to Ha Fa Shan
No official trail previded for Ha Fa Shan, if you feel unsafe to walk that unofficial sub-path, keep walking along the asphalt road to the Hong Kong Adventist Hospital is an option
Turn right at the forks
The summit of Ha Fa Shan, with a height of 315 meters
Path to the Hong Kong Adventist Hospital under the rock
It should keep walking right side to meet the official path
Meet the official path again and walk downhill to the Hong Kong Adventist Hospital