Shek Uk Shan, Ngam Tau Shan
Hoi Ha Road>Lo Fu Kei Shek>Shek Uk Shan>Cheung Sheung>Ngam Tau Shan>Ngau Yee Shek Shan>Pak Tam Au
7 KM approx.
4.5 hours approx.
Store at Cheung Sheung
Vending Machine at Pak Tam Au (End point)
Start Point
Minibus No. 7 (Link Click Here), alighting at fire-outlook
End Point
Bus (KMB) No. 94, 96R and 289R (Link Click Here)
Map (reference only)
Elevation (reference only)
Shek Uk Shan is the highest peak in Sai Kung Peninsula, with a height of 481 meters. Compared with the second highest peak the Sharp Peak, the popularity of Shek Uk Shan is much lower, because the hiking trail of Shek Uk Shan is not friendly, most of the hiking paths are unpaved dirt paths with dense grasses and scrubs, and a lot of complicated junctions along the trail. However, the total length of the trial of Shek Uk Shan is not very long, the expensive panoramic view on the summit is stunning, and it can enjoy a meal break at Cheung Sheung, but it has to walk accompanied with experienced hikers.
Get off minibus at fire look out, you may remind the minibus driver to alight after passing the Hau Tong Kai Camp Site
Then follow the waysign to fire lookout
At the fork with a signpost of fire lookout, walk ahead to visit the fire-lookout first
The Hoi Ha Fire-Lookout, it is also the summit of Lo Fu Kei Shek
Back track to return the fire lookout signpost
Then walk toward the way with a signpost of “Road Closed” to Shek Uk Shan
Some forks along the trail, keep walking the right side to Shek Uk Shan
Some boulder piles along the ridge
Overlooking the Sharp Peak
Climb up to the summit of Shek Uk Shan, there is a signal (radio) station on the summit
The summit of Shek Uk Shan, with a height of 481 meters
Walk along the signal station
Grand view at the helispot on Shek Uk Shan
There are many paths on the summit of Shek Uk Shan to different locations
I suggest to walk downhill from the path nearby the trigonometrical Stations to Cheung Sheung, as the direction is clearer
Cheung Sheung, a store there
Walk along the Maclehose Trail (Stage Three) afterward, follow the waysign to Pak Tam Au this time
The path on the left side is the way to Ngam Tau Shan
Note that there are grasses and scrubs are denser then Shek Uk Shan
Walk along the ribbons, the direction of Ngam Tau Shan should be parallel with the Maclehose Trail
The summit of Ngam Tau Shan, with a height of 452 meters, wonder there is an official signpost on that unofficial unpaved trail of Ngam Tau Shan
Meet up the Maclehose Trail again, walk along the major path to Pak Tam Au
Come to an end at Pak Tam Au
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