十塱營地 Shap Long Campsite

十塱營地 Shap Long Campsite

地點 Location
十塱,貝澳 Shap Long, Pui O
營地規模 Scale


Super Small:with less than 10 tent spaces

標準廁所 Flushing Toilet
無 (旱廁) No (Dry toilet pit)
水源 Source of water
溪澗 (季節性水源) Stream water (seasonal supply)
設備 Facilities
Barbeque pits, benches, drains, cloth lines
交通 Transportation

巴士3M號:東涌市中心 – 梅窩碼頭

羅屋村 / 老圍村站下車步行約40分鐘到達十塱營地

From Tung Chung Town Centre, take Bus 3M to Mui Wo or take any bus from Mui Wo and get off at Pui O. Follow the Chi Ma Wan Road and walk towards Ham Tin Village for about 40 minutes. You may take a taxi to Shap Long Kau Tsuen.

營地整體評分 Overall Rating
各細項評價請參考YouTube影片 Please click the YouTube video for detail reviews
十塱營地 Shap Long Campsite YouTube Video


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