西灣營地 Sai Wan Campsite |
地點 Location |
大浪西灣,西貢東Tai Long Sai Wan, Sai Kung East |
營地規模 Scale |
大型:營位數目超過50 Large:with more than 50 tent spaces |
標準廁所 Flushing Toilet |
有 Yes |
水源 Source of water |
水喉 Tap |
設備 Facilities |
餐廳及士多、標準廁所、廁所外洗碗盆 Restaurants and shops, Flushing toilets and sink outside toilet |
交通 Transportation |
由西貢墟乘29R號往西灣亭專線小巴,在西灣亭下車。從西灣亭出發,沿西灣村小徑,依照指示牌,步行約1小時,便可抵西灣村,再沿麥理浩徑前行5分鐘至北面的沙灘,便可抵達營地。 Take Minibus 29R from Sai Kung town and alight at the Sai Wan Pavilion termainal. Follow the signposts and paths directed to Sai Wan Village, which takes an hour to arrive. Then, trace back the MacLehose trail and go 5 minutes further to the northern beach of Sai Wan and you will be there. |
營地整體評分 Overall Rating
各細項評價請參考YouTube影片 Please click the YouTube video for detail reviews
西灣營地 Sai Wan Campsite YouTube Video