籮箕灣營地 Lo Kei Wan Campsite


地點 Location

籮箕灣,石壁 Lo Kei Wan, Shek Pik


營地規模 Scale


Small:with less than 20 tent spaces


標準廁所 Flushing Toilet

無 (旱廁) No (Dry toilet pits)


水源 Source of water

溪澗 (季節性水源) Stream water (seasonal supply)


設備 Facilities

Barbeque pits, tables, benches, drains and cloth lines


交通 Transportation


From Tung Chung Town Centre, take Bus 11 towards Tai O or Bus 23 towards Ngong Ping; or take Bus 1 (Tai O) and Bus 2 (Ngong Ping) from Mui Wo. Get off at Shui Hau Village bus stop and walk along the Stage 9 of Lantau Trail towards Shek Lam Chau for 25 minutes.



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