狗嶺涌營地 Kau Ling Chung Campsite |
地點 Location |
狗嶺涌,南大嶼 Kau Ling Chung, Lantau South |
營地規模 Scale |
小型:營位數目少於20 Small:with less than 20 tent spaces |
標準廁所 Flushing Toilet |
無 (旱廁) No (Dry toilet pits) |
水源 Source of water |
溪澗 (季節性水源) Stream water (seasonal supply) |
設備 Facilities |
燒烤爐、櫈、污水穴、晾衫架 |
交通 Transportation |
由東涌市中心乘巴士11號(往大澳)/ 23號(往昂坪)或由梅窩乘1號(往大澳)/ 2號(往昂坪)巴士,在沙咀站下車。經宏貝道,走進鳳凰徑第八段(往狗嶺涌方向),步行約1小時,便可抵達營地。 Take Bus 11 (to Tai O) or Bus 23 (to Ngong Ping) from Tung Chung Town Centre or Bus 1 (to Tai O) or Bus 2 (to Ngong Ping) from Mui Wo. Alight at Sha Tsui Bus Stop. Then, enter Lantau Trail Stage 8 through Wang Pui Road towards Kau Ling Chung direction, and it would take about an hour to arrive at entrance of the site. |