雞胸山 Unicorn Ridge

Unicorn Ridge

Sha Tin Wai MTR Station>Shui Chuen Au Street>Fo Dau Ping> Mau Tsai Shan> Unicorn Ridge>MacLehose Trail (Section 5)>Shatin Pass Road



6 KM

2.5 hours

Store at Wan Chai Gap Park (End Point)

Start Point
Sha Tin Wai MTR Station

End Point
Green Mini Bus No. 18M (Link Click Here)

Map (reference only)

Elevation (reference only)

Unicorn Ridge (in Chinese, it means Chicken Breast Mountain) is located in the west of Lion Rock, with a height of 437 meters. Unicorn Ridge is not a popular hiking trail today, but its nearby mountain Fo Dau Ping is close to the Shui Chuen O Estate with nice view. Normally people would walk the Unicorn Ridge with Fo Dau Ping and Mau Tsai Shan together.

Alighted at the B / D Exit of Sha Tin Wai MTR Station
Then walk upslope along the Shui Chuen Au Street

Turn right after the road sign of Tsok Pok Hang Road

At the fork of Tsok Pok Hang Village

Turn left and cross the fence

It will leave the concrete road when you see the waysign to Pok Hong Estate and Pavilion

Walk to the dirt slope uphill to
Fo Dau Ping

A large plain on Fo Dau Ping

The view on Fo Dau Ping is excellent

Walk toward the dirt path on right side of the photo to Mau Tsai Shan

The power cable tower will be the summit of Mau Tsai Shan

The summit of Mau Tsai Shan, with a height of 258 meters
There are two ways to access the Wilson Trail, it chose the right side in this blog

Turn left at the Wilson Trail (Section 5)

Walk the dirt path on right side to Unicorn Ridge

Mau Tsai Shek (Little Cat Rock)

Turn left at this fork to the
trigonometrical stations of Unicorn Ridge, with a height of 437 meters

Meet up the
MacLehose Trail (Section 5), turn right to Lion Rock
It would move left to Shatin Pass Road in this blog

In fact the view along MacLehose Trail (Section 5) is much better then Unicorn Ridge

Keep walking downhill

Come to an end at Shatin Pass Estate


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