雞公嶺 Kai Kung Leng

Kai Kung Leng

Fung Kat Heung>Kai Kung Leng>Kiu Tau



6 KM

4 hours

Restaurants & Stores at Fung Kat Heung (start point)

Start Point
Green Minibus No. 603 (Link Click Here), alighting at Fung Kat Heung
End Point
Bus (KMB) No. 77K (Link Click Here)

Map (reference only)

Elevation (reference only)

Kai Kung Leng is located in northwest New Territories, with a height of 585 meters. There is no official hiking trail for Kai Kung Leng, but it is still very popular because of its attractive views.
Get off minibus at Fung Kat Heung

Walk to this way

The entry of Kai Kung Leng hiking trail, beside the lamppost H2997

The hiking path of Kai Kung Leng is very clear even it is not official

Grand view on Kai Kung Leng

Some steep slopes in the trail

The Trigonometrical Stations of Kai Kung Leng, with a height of 572 meters

The highest point of Kai Kung Leng, with a height of 585 meters

Turn left at this fork

Turn right at this fork

Turn left at this fork

Come to an end at the bus stop of Kiu Tau


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