Chua Ma Kong
Lam Kam Road>Tai Om Village>She Shan Village>She Shan>Lin Au>Chau Ma Kong>Yin Ngam>San Uk Ka
10 KM
6 hours
Start Point
Bus (KMB) No. 64K (Link Click Here), alighting at Shui Wo
End Point
Green Mini Bus No. 23K (Link Click Here)
Map (reference only)
Elevation (reference only)
Chau Ma Kong is located north of Tai Mo Shan, with a height of 588 meters. No official hiking trail provided for Chau Ma kong, but there are many attractives nearby Chau Ma Kong, this blog will introduce some of them.
Get off bus at Shui Wo, then follow the waysign to Tai Om
Walk to the path in the center of the photo after passing the car park
Pass the house No. 10 Tai Om Village
The brick kiln in Tai Om
Walk through the grasses afterward
Turn left at this fork
Turn right at this fork
Turn left at this fork
Then follow the waysign to She Shan
Turn left after arriving the round-about of She Shan Road
Mark of Camphor tree on the ground
Turn right at this fork
The camphor tree is beside the She Shan Public Toilet
The camphor tree at She Shan is one of the biggest camphor trees in Hong Kong
Walk to the path right side in the photo
The Trigonometrical Stations of She Sha, with a height of 196 meters
Turn left at this fork
At this sign, move to the path right side that behind the sign to Chau Ma Kong
Turn right at this fork
End of asphalt road
The Trigonometrical Stations of Chau Ma Kong, with a height of 588 meters
To access the summit of Chau Ma Kong is the most difficult part in this route, it gains ascent with very high elevation
It will turn left to Yin Ngam Bamboo Grove in this blog
The path on right side will lead to MacLehose Trail Stage 6
At Yin Ngam Stream, walk to the right side in the photo to the Yin Ngam Bamboo Grove
Turn left to Yin Ngam Bamboo Grove
Right side will lead to the MacLehose Trail Stage 6 (again)
Turn left and down to Yin Ngam Bamboo Grove
The Yin Ngam Bamboo Grove, the largest Bamboo Grove in Hong Kong
Follow the waysign to Sheung Wun Yiu
It will arrive minibus stop at San Uk Ka